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(这条文章已经被阅读了 2318 次) 时间:2010/06/17/06:43   来源:even2004

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作者: sunny123 标题:Re:SolidWorks实例讲解(100多个) 时间: 2010/07/30/15:22
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作者: office123 标题:Microsoft Office 2010 时间: 2011/09/30/11:35
 Office 2010 is to Office 2007 what Windows 7 was to Microsoft Office 2010 Vista; that is, there are not many breakthrough, drastically Microsoft Office different features, but a whole lot of polishing and cleanup to make Outlook 2010 it easier and more efficient. Overall, the Microsoft outlook program seems to Office 2010 home run faster, incorporates many of the most commonly used options and MS office 2010 makes them more accessible and allows for Microsoft outlook 2010 more customization. At first glance it looks Office 2007 very much like its predecessor, the ribbon is back and Microsoft Office 2007 it is now also found on Office 2010 professional plus OneNote. There are plenty of sites that will give you a play-by-play on all the features available in this new version, so I'm just going to mention some of the Office 2010 activation biggest improvements that I've seen.

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