标题: COMSOL V4.0新模块预览 [打印本页]
作者: even2004 标题:COMSOL V4.0新模块预览 时间: 2009/04/19/09:07
COMSOL V4.0将在今秋与我们见面,它有什么新功能和模块呢,让我们先睹为快。
CFD Module——CFD模块
A high-performance fluid dynamics package bringing industrial strength CFD and multiphysics together at last.
Electrochemical Engineering Module——电化学工程模块
A specialized module for modeling corrosion, electroplating, electrolysis, batteries, and fuel cells.
Plasma Module——等离子模块
A single product for the simulation of collective effects common in plasma applications such as display panels, semiconductor manufacturing, and rocket thrusters.
类似于反应工程实验室(Reaction Engineering Laboratory)的模块,模拟等离子体群体效应,应用于平板显示、半导体制造以及火箭推进器等。
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