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Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Applicatio

Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Applications

Sam Helwany, “Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Applications”
Wiley | 2007-03-16 | ISBN: 0471791075 | 400 pages | PDF | 5,95 MB

A simplified approach to applying the Finite Element Method to geotechnical problems

Predicting soil behavior by constitutive equations that are based on experimental findings and embodied in numerical methods, such as the finite element method, is a significant aspect of soil mechanics. Engineers are able to solve a wide range of geotechnical engineering problems, especially inherently complex ones that resist traditional analysis. Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS® Applications provides civil engineering students and practitioners with a simple, basic introduction to applying the finite element method to soil mechanics problems. " n-
Accessible to someone with little background in soil mechanics and finite element analysis, Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS® Applications explains the basic concepts of soil mechanics and then prepares the reader for solving geotechnical engineering problems using both traditional engineering solutions and the more versatile, finite element solutions. Topics covered include:
Properties of Soil
Elasticity and Plasticity
Stresses in Soil
Shear Strength of Soil
Shallow Foundations
Lateral Earth Pressure and Retaining Walls
Piles and Pile Groups
Taking a unique approach, the author describes the general soil mechanics for each topic, shows traditional applications of these principles with longhand solutions, and then presents finite element solutions for the same applications, comparing both. The book is prepared with ABAQUS® software applications to enable a range of readers to experiment firsthand with the principles described in the book (the software application files are available under "student resources" at wiley.com/college/helwany). By presenting both the traditional solutions alongside the FEM solutions, Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS® Applications is an ideal introduction to traditional soil mechanics and a guide to alternative solutions and emergent methods.


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