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[求助]Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO II 9.0
此帖于 2011/08/03/14:27 被 SDMTEAM 编辑

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SIMSCI.PRO / II.v9.0-ISO 1CD (Process simulation program, widely used in chemical processes of rigorous mass and energy balance)

i have Download the Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO II 9.0

But How to Installation And How to Crack Please Help Me urgent

修改贴子编辑 |  发表于 2011/08/03/14:25  |  1 层 

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Re:[求助]Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO II 9.0

do you have crack file ?
PRO/II-90 Silent Installation Guide

The PRO/II 9.0 silent install does not install its dependencies. Therefore, you have to make sure that these dependencies are installed before doing the silent install of PRO/II 9.0. Below are the commands to silently install the PRO/II 9.0 dependencies and PRO/II 9.0. Note that the [PRO/II 9.0 setup folder] below is where the PRO/II 9.0 install setup.exe is and the whole path has to be surrounded by double quotes if it contains a space.

Silently install PRO/II 9.0 dependencies:

1. Install .NET 2.0 SP1 (Mandatory).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]ISSetupPrerequisites{DF7D2E47-3694-462A-BCBC-39A4632FAF88}NetFx20SP1_x86 /q /norestart

2. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (Mandatory).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]ISSetupPrerequisites{D1DF56C2-42B1-4CE3-9295-ECEC85462911}vcredist.msi /qn

3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (Mandatory).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]ISSetupPrerequisites{3707C86C-6F00-4358-AA89-1071858DE1F7}vcredist_x86.exe /qn

4. Install VSTO2.0SE. V0 B% I( S- x$ ] i# K

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesVSTO2.0SEvstor.exe /S /v"/qn"

5. Install O2003PIA (Conditional).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesO2003PIAO2003PIA.MSI /qn

6. Install O2007PIA (Conditional).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder] supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesO2007PIAo2007pia.msi /qn

7. Install CAPE-OPEN (Mandatory).

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesCAPE-OPEN.msi /qn

8. Install USB driver 7.6.1 (Conditional). Note that this is needed only if you are going to run PRO/II 9.0 using USB for security.

“[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesUSB_DriverSentinel Protection Installer 7.6.1.msi" /qn

9. Install OLI Chemistry Wizard (Optional)

3 P5 D& M$ y* j4 a# Q$ D) j[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesOLI Engine in PRO_II 9.x.msi /qn

10. Notepad++ (Mandatory)

) l9 W8 E2 U( n% M! S
[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesNOTEPADnnp.5.6.8.Installer.exe /S

11. RefPropAddonSetup (Optional)
! v# D, M8 u; w+ }) l. s! j5 v( C+ m+ @! ]/ N* U
[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesNISTRefPropAddonSetup.exe

Note: RefPropAddonSetup.exe will not support Silent install. It should be installed separately from the above path.

Silently install PRO/II 9.0:

Install options

1. INSTALLDIR - PRO/II 9.0 install location (default: c:simsci). Use double quotes around the path if it contains a space. Example: INSTALLDIR=”c:program filessimsci”

2. SECURITY_TYPE - PRO/II 9.0 security type, such as USB, FLXLM72, FLXLM95, or TOKEN (default: FLXLM95). Example: SECURITY_TYPE=FLXLM95

3. IPASSI_LICENSE_FILE - FLEXlm/TOKEN license manager (default: none). No need to specify this if you are going to use USB for security.


4. QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON – option to create a quick launch icon (default: not create). To create the icon, use QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON=1

5. DESKTOP_ICON – option to create a desktop icon (default: create). To not create the icon, use DESKTOP_ICON=””

6. ADDLOCAL – to specify what PRO/II 9.0 features to install. If this option is not used in the PRO/II 9.0 silent install, the program will install/ o4 |& v) Z3 R+ q. w, 6 o
ProgramFiles, UserFiles, UAS, PDTS, and PFE_Editor. Features that can be specified include& b+ p4 o8 N$ f0 x. L6 E
UAS, PDTS, PFE_Editor, Translator, Notepadplus, NIST_REFPROP
- v! U. y5 j; a$ O7 E. @# [(must specify COMPANY_NAME as well).

Note that unless ADDLOCAL=ALL is used, features ProgramFiles and UserFiles must always/ F$ C! Z) ^$ k% E8 ?6 k
be included in the list when using the ADDLOCAL option.

Examples: To install all features, use ADDLOCAL=ALL. To also install UAS and PDTS, use ADDLOCAL=ProgramFiles,UserFiles,UAS,PDTS, Notepadplus, NIST_REFPROP

Command example:

msiexec.exe /i [PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]PROII.msi /qn SECURITY_TYPE=TOKEN INSTALLDIR="c:program filessimsci" DESKTOP_ICON="" QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON=1 IPASSI_LICENSE_FILE=@TokenServer ADDLOCAL=ProgramFiles,UserFiles,UAS,PDTS,Translator, Notepadplus, NIST_REFPROP,S4MPortal

The command above uses TOKEN for security, installs PRO/II 9.0 to c:program filessimsci, does not create the desktop icon, creates the quick launch icon, and uses machine TokenServer for the TOKEN security. It also installs UAS, PDTS, and Translator.

Silently install optional post-PRO/II 9.0-installation applications:

1. Multi-Simulation Manager (MSM).

MSM should be installed after the PRO/II 9.0 installation. Note that you can change the install location for all the install programs below by editing the szDir value in the MSM install setup.iss.

[PRO/II 9.0 setup folder]supportdirThirdPartyUtilitiesMultiSimulationManager MultiSimulationManagersetup.exe /S /v"/qn"

修改贴子编辑 |  发表于 2011/08/03/19:36  |  2 层 

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