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阳光精品论坛 > 『 CFD 专栏 』 > 流体是美的——A Gallery of Fluid Motion
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作者 | 本页主题: 流体是美的——A Gallery of Fluid Motion 上一个主题:流固耦合几篇文章 下一个主题:ELSEVIER 出版: Solid Liquid Two Phase Flow  

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流体是美的——A Gallery of Fluid Motion

书名:A Gallery of Fluid Motion
作者:M. Samimy,Ohio State University
         K. S. Breuer, Brown University, Rhode Island
         L. G. Leal,University of California, Santa Barbara
         P. H. Steen,Cornell University, New York
出版社: Cambridge University Press (January 12, 2004)
摘要: Images of fluids in motion have served both scientific and artistic purposes at least since the time of Leonardo de Vinci over 500 years ago. The visualization of fluid flow has played a major role in the development of fluid dynamics and its technological and scientific applicati*****, from the evolution of flight to the tracking of weather to understanding the flow of blood. Today, the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society annually sp*****ors a competition for outstanding images of fluid flow, judged by their artistic beauty and novelty and their contribution to the better understanding of fluid dynamics. This Gallery is a selection of the images that have won the competition over the last seventeen years. Each image is accompanied by some explanatory text, aimed at making the collection an attractive and essential work for everyone interested in the art and science of fluid flow.


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