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阳光精品论坛 >> 『 CFD 专栏 』 >> POST

  even2004: Highlights of ANSYS ICEM CFD/AI*Environment
Highlights of ANSYS ICEM CFD/AI*Environment 12.0

Improved graphics display for mesh (especially volume mesh and quadratic mesh)
Improved overall graphics performance through native display lists
Load project remembers previous display settings
Improved assembly handling tools
Emergency save for Windows (previously supported only for Unix/Linux)
Added support for Windows X64 (with 64-bit support)

Workbench Integration5
Thickness data from Design Modeler comes into Advanced Meshing application
Named Selections supported as Parts or Subsets
Advanced Meshing application tied to Engineering Data application.
Advanced Meshing can populate common mesh object for use in other applications (CFX, FEModeler, AUTODYN)
Tetra/Prism mesh hooked up to Meshing/Simulation application in Workbench

Geometry Interfaces

Added support for Wildfire 3 with Pro/E interface
Added support for NX 4 with NX/UGS interface
Added support for SolidWorks 2006
Added support for Parasolid 18
Added support for ACIS 16
Added support for IDI (I-DEAS XML) version 12

Geometry Tools

Settings > Geometry options for consolidated geometry controls
Improved part naming controls
Settings > Model for consolidated model controls
Dynamic updating of tri tolerance
Xmin, Xmax, etc., controls for endpoint creation
Surface extensions for Y-connections
Improved surface/surface intersections
Improved curve extensions
Midsurfacing by pairs option added
Midcurve by pairs option added
Shrinkwrap supports surface sizes
Shrinkwrap supports material points (allows inside-out wrapping)
Box from entity boundaries
Keep dormant as dormant option added to Build Topology so that dormant curves are not changed to active or vice versa
Delete all dormant points/curves option added

Automatic Meshing Tools
Surface Meshing controls moved to Global Setup so that they can be used for surface meshing or volume meshing
Surface meshing parameters stored in tetin file for more persistent meshing
Surface meshing controls for Mapped Tri mesh directly
Surface based mesh type and mesh method surface meshing controls
Selected surfaces can be remeshed when mesh parameters are changed
Shrinkwrap surface meshing method added
Hexa-core meshing with prism layers
Hexa-core support for baffles
New body-fitted Cartesian mesher
Delaunay Tetra meshing part by part
TGrid tetra volume meshing option added
Better “Mix and Match” meshing controls (Surface Meshing, Volume Fill and Prism controls)

Block-based Meshing Tools
Better controls for 2D Surface Blocking (Free and Mapped Blocks)
Multi-Zone Meshing approach added: 3D Volume Blocks (Mixed blocks of Free, Swept and Mapped Blocks with boundary layer of Mapped/Swept Blocks).
2D->3D Fill with Ogrid boundary directly to support MultiZone blocking
2D free face split option allows free blocks to be split, also with "island" configuration (free block with an internal cutout)
Improved controls to modify blocks from Free to Mapped and vice versa
Improved mesh controls for 3D free blocks to be meshed with Delaunay, Hex-core, or Advancing Front mesher
Projected edge shape display option without need for calculating pre-mesh
Improved Pyramid quality for transition to free blocks
Improved swept blocks for skewed cases
Merge nodes allows for multiple nodes to be selected

Mesh Editing Tools&
Improved create elements controls
Improved diagnostics display with no need for subsets
Improved quality display with no need for subsets
Improved histogram display option to show color by quality in histogram
Mixed linear/quadratic with transitional elements
Mixed linear/quadratic with transitional elements
Add/Remove mid-side node on edge
Element vertex orientation controls added
Improved mesh editing for hybrid meshes
Display option for Mesh Dual (polyhedral elements)
Improved multi-block smoother:
oSimplified Interface
oMultiple settings file support
oBetter selection methods
oBetter defaults

Solver Setup7
Improved output for Fluent
Pyramid support for Abaqus
Added seatbelts for LS-Dyna
MPCs for Nastran
Improved Node/Element set handling
Improved support for INCLUDE card
Gaskets for ANSYS/Abaqus
Generalized Weld and Constrained node sets added for LS-Dyna
Active/Inactive Subcases
Subcase support for ANSYS
Support for thermal materials for Nastran

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