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(这条文章已经被阅读了 2028 次) 时间:2010/09/09/07:34   来源:even2004




作者: tupiang 标题:回复: 时间: 2011/08/10/15:40
Develop is reporting that World of Warcraft has lost 300,000 subscribers between May and July, bringing the total count down to roughly 11.1 million subscribers.
This is the second straight quarter that Blizzard has posted significant subscriber losses. Earlier in the year, Blizzard reported a loss of 600,000 subscribers, bringing the subscriber numbers down to 11.4 million.
The back-to-back losses have prompted Blizzard to rethink their strategy. Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime noted that simply pumping new content into the game hasn't been as effective as the game ages due to the increased speed with which WoW players consume the new content.
While Blizzard attributes most of the losses to content gaps they have taken a number of steps this year to spur growth. Earlier this year, Blizzard launched Cataclysm in China, and also went on to launch of the World of Warcraft: Starter Edition, which allows players to play free for as long as they want up to level 20.
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