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阳光精品论坛 >> 『 CAE 专栏 』 >> modeFRONTIER + ansoft maxwell + matlab 做的一个螺线本主题已阅读4333次,回复1

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modeFRONTIER + ansoft maxwell + matlab 做的一个螺线

(这条文章已经被阅读了 4333 次) 时间:2010/07/28/07:56   来源:even2004

modeFRONTIER + ansoft maxwell + matlab 做的一个螺线管形状的多目标优化
螺线管的形状用10个变量表示,目标函数为螺线管轴线上的磁场强度的平均值和方差,要求平均值最大而方差最小,即: 要求螺线管轴线上的磁场强度尽可能地大且均匀。(不知道哪位能够提供更好的目标函数来表达尽可能大且均匀的磁场?)
用vbs求解maxwell 模型,用matlab求平均值和方差(因为我没找到用maxwell直接求解平均值和方差的办法)。

std + mean.jpg

作者: tupiang 标题:回复: 时间: 2011/08/10/15:42
Have u experienced the new website?
Blizzard Entertainment has thrown open the doors of a new community site devoted to this year's Blizzcon gathering. The site is anticipated to provide information about convention happenings, tournament updates, a community forum to discuss all things Blizzcon and much more.
Take the time to get acquainted with the site, and be sure to come back often. We've got a lot in store in the days and weeks leading up to the big event. As we get closer to the show, this site will be your headquarters for panel schedules, lists of activities to look for at the convention, tournament updates, and lots more info to help you plan out your two days of fun.
For more on BlizzCon, including important information for ticket holders, check out the Event Info section at the top of the page.
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