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(这条文章已经被阅读了 1428 次) 时间:2009/09/03/07:46   来源:even2004

3,网格检查,(1)Insert Acoustic Mesh Preprocessing
Set,(2)Expand the Acoustic Mesh Preprocessing Set.1 feature and double-click the Grid Support.1
feature. A new dialog box will appear, select the mesh part monovolume Nodes and Elements
and click the OK button.(3)Right-click the Acoustic Mesh Preprocessing Set.1 feature and select Update from the contextual
menu. This will start the preprocessing. Click the Close Window button of the Computing.. dialog
box once the preprocessing is over.
Materials New Materials New Fluid Material… or click the button from the Insert toolbar.
(2)Insert Properties New Properties New Acoustic Fluid Property... or click the button
from the Insert toolbar, to apply the air property to mesh.(3)A new dialog box will appear. Select the monovolume Nodes and Elements feature for the5 b
Application Region section. Refer newly created fluid material. Click the OK button.
5,模型最高频率,Right-click the Properties feature and select Update from the contextual menu. Now you can
visualize the material maximum frequency images. Right-click the Properties.1 feature and
select Generate Image from the contextual menu. The Image Generation dialog box will appear.
Select Material Maximum Frequency and click the OK button. For better visualization, hide(
the Acoustic Mesh Preprocessing Set.1 feature.
6,边界集设置,Insert Mesh Grouping,本例设置了两个,一个进口,一个出口。
7,出口导纳设置,Insert Properties New Properties Absorbent Panel Property
8,进口声速设置,(1)Insert Boundary Conditions and Sources Boundary Condition and
Source Set.(2)Insert Boundary Conditions and Sources Add an Acoustic Boundary Condition
9,设置分析类型,(1)Insert BEM Analysis
Cases Acoustic Response Analysis Case.. or click the button from the Insert toolbar.(2)Select the Use an Existing One option for Boundary Condition Set section. This will activate
the selection field. Select the No Panel Set option for Panel Set section. Refer the Acoustic
Boundary Conditions and Sources feature in the specification tree. Click the OK button. This will
insert the Acoustic Response Analysis Case feature in the specification tree. (3)Double-click the Acoustic Response Solution Set.1 feature to open the dialog for the solution
parameters. In the Solution tab, select From Boundary Conditions option for the Edit
Frequency Range
10,计算,计算之前,要设置sysnoise的路径,Tools Options Acoustics menu, LMS
SYSNOISE tab or on the Job tab of the Edit Solution Parameters dialog box
之后就可以计算了,Right-click the Acoustic Response Solution Set.1 feature and select Compute/Update… from the
contextual menu. This will start the computation.
11,结果后处理,Right- click the Acoustic Response Solution Set.1
feature and select Generate Image from the contextual menu. The Image Generation dialog box
will appear requesting you to select the different images.还有很多后处理方法


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