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阳光精品论坛 >> 『 CFD 专栏 』 >> The World of Rotodynamic PUMPS本主题已阅读1712次,回复0

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The World of Rotodynamic PUMPS

(这条文章已经被阅读了 1712 次) 时间:2009/04/29/08:41   来源:even2004


Title-The world of rotodynamic pumps

Chapter 1 - History of pumps fitted with impellers
Chapter 2 - Rotodynamic machine innovators
Chapter 3 - Pump impeller characteristic curves
Chapter 4 - Two dimensional analysis of flow through an impeller
Chapter 5 - Pump impeller specific speed [Ns]
Chapter 6 - Pump modelling
Chapter 7 - Cavitation
Chapter 8 - Electric motors/ starters/ diesels for rotodynamic pumps
Chapter 9 - Pumping energy losses
Chapter 10 - International standards
Chapter 11 - Pump operation and services
Chapter 12 - Pump noises
Chapter 13 - Scope of tender information
Chapter 14 - Pump bearings selection
Chapter 15 - Pump glands and mechanical seals
Chapter 16 - Transient pressure waves and pumping systems
Chapter 17 - Pumps onsite
Chapter 18 - Pump suction flow
Chapter 19 - Pumping of solids and wastes
Chapter 20 - Fluid mechanics and pumps
Chapter 21 - CFD
Chapter 22 - R and D
good article for all


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